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Rotate MD-11 tablet screenshot

Rotate MD-11 v1.08 released

The latest version of the Rotate MD-11 has been released. It includes the EFBs, compatible with AviTab, a thorough revision of the …

Rotate MD-11 Exterior

Rotate MD-11 v1.05 is available

Fly freighter missions with this powerful aircraft as close to reality as it gets. The Rotate MD-11 v1.05 is now compatible with …

Rotate MD-11 v1.0 Slider

Rotate MD-11 v1.0 released

The Rotate MD-11 is an aircraft add-on for Laminar’s X-Plane that simulates the original McDonnell Douglas MD-11 Freighter version. It is a …

Rotate MD-11 screenshot v0.33 01

Rotate MD-11 in beta

A brief update on the Rotate MD-11 status. We are currently testing the aircraft and fixing bugs. Some features have been added …

MD-11 Screenshot-v0.27-02

FMS is up in the Rotate MD-11

After a few months of silent work, we can now show some screenshots featuring the MCDUs. Around 30 individual pages were put …